Wednesday, June 25, 2014

When September Ends

And there I was, standing in the dark. The pouring rain touched my umbrella. It made a funny sound, like a pile of rocks failling down a hill. I couldn’t even hear my own breathing. Which is interesting, because I’m as nervous as can be. My heart is pouding in my chest. My cheeks are getting pinkish and warm.

I really didn’t expect this to happen. Thought it was just a good idea to stop by and really say what is on my mind and what has been going on the last few weeks. But I can’t seem to get it out. It’s pulling me down. I can actually feel my knees weaken. Though I’m not the type to be nervous, I can honesty say, that telling someone what’s on your mind can influence your body. I had to say it. It’s been chasing me for nights now.

I heared him open my front door. He widened his eyes and opened his mouth. Adreneline. When he finally found a way to open the door, he was in my room really quick. I did expect him, but not now. Not tonight. If he needed me he would’ve come to me right away. I would’ve told him that this couldn’t go on any longer. Not like this. He had to find a way to persue me. That one touch of his fingers on my hand would’ve said it all. That would be the end of the conversation. No need to say any more.

But he let himself slip. He didn’t actually say anything useful when I looked up. No, he just stood there next to my bed and watched me. “Say something,” I said on a very soft tone. He took his time to formulate an answer to my order. I was so anxious to hear the truth come out. I  wanted to see a sparkle of hope in his eyes. He turned away from my face and stared at the floor. He cleared his throat. I was so ready for this, even at 4 am. Come on, come on now. This is the time to spill it out.

One step, two steps, three, and suddenly he was out the door. Unbelievable. If I were myself at that time, I would’ve chased him, grabbed his arm on his way down the stairs and scream. I was so angry, so furious. How dare you come in here and act like a coward, a complete fool! He isn’t a man! He will never be! But I wasn’t myself at that time, and just listened to the walking off the stairs. Goodbye.

Now it was my turn. I felt pretty powerful, yet very small. I knew this would end it, it would end it all. But if he wasn’t going to step up to the plate, I had to. So I walked to his door and pulled out the right key. My eyes widened and my heart made jumps. Unlocked. Within twelve steps, I would be at his room. I made it to ten, when I heard his footsteps. He knew what was coming. He opened the door of his room and we had eye contact. The world froze in time.

“You’re so not going to Iraq!”

“Hell yes I am and you sure know it Hannah!”

“You don’t even have the balls to tell me straight to my face that they sent you a letter!”

“I couldn’t tell you!”

“Well you know the consequences! I thought we’d agreed on this a while ago until you changed your mind about it!”

“Let me go my own way Hannah, I know what’s right for me! Leave yourself out of this!”

I ran back down the stairs as the tears ran down my face. Bye Mike, bye. I was so dissapointed. He was going to put his whole life on the line for a stupid war he knew he’d never win.

Mike ran after me, but stopped suddenly. Guess he knew he had no more chances. He watched me pop up my umbrella and ran towars my car. The rain and wind had become heavier. I couldn’t even tell my tears from the raindrops. The world tuned out, I felt nothing but rain. Rain over my body. I dropped my umbrella and took it for a run. Maybe the rain would wash away all my emotions and calm me down. Calm me down forever. 

Based on When September Ends - Green Day